How can you combine inbound and outbound lead generation tactics into a killer marketing strategy?
Combining Inbound and Outbound marketing is a very powerful strategy to generate even more high-quality leads.
With our inbound process you can spot companies that have visited your website, whether through a blog post, a social media link, organic search, or a forum, but have not yet completed a form and use them as the basis for outbound activities, such as a senior-level sales call.
Our senior-level outbound solution sales team has worked on hundreds of campaigns for all kinds of technology companies. This work is built on tried and tested processes for discovery, preparation and the execution of effective lead generation campaigns for B2B clients of all kinds, including OEM partner recruitment.
Lead intelligence gained through inbound marketing means that when our outbound sales team reaches out to your inbound leads, their sales calls are much more effective because they can ask informed questions and drive a pointed and relevant sales conversation.